Monday, November 23, 2009

Green with envy...

I spent the morning at a friends new house.  I am so jealous! I want to move into a bigger house.  After 9 years and 3 kids, I really feel as if we have outgrown this one. There are toys everywhere. And the carpets are ruined.  So now I am spending the afternoon completely jealous. Life stinks sometimes...

Saturday, November 21, 2009

The time change...

Yes I know we moved the clocks back almost a month ago.  But it just occurred to me that I have adjusted to the kids not adjusting to the time change.  And I kinda like it.  I have been not so rushed in the morning.  Everyone has eaten breakfast every day, hair combed, teeth brushed, lunches made and most importantly...I have had the extra hour it takes to straighten my hair.