Friday, October 1, 2010

Cell phone woes

Until last April, I had an old school cell phone. It was a flip phone. It was so ancient I couldn't stand text messaging on it.

Then in April after holding out for an I-Phone, I decided to bite the bullet. I bought a Droid from Verizon. I am a Verizon customer.  Loyal, in spite of their prices. The hubby tries to make me switch carriers all the time.  I refuse.

The transformation...I could text, email and do basically anything from my phone. I love it!  So as I am running out of the house tonight to go to a party at a neighbors house, I drop my phone.  Not on the hard ground or anything, on the couch...and the screen breaks.  I swear it gave me a panic attack.

I couldn't enjoy myself at the party. It was awful. Finally, I had to leave the party to go to Verizon.

They were closed but the man who works there told me a "bleeding screen" isn't covered.  And then he asked me "Do you have insurance?". And for once I had ignored the Clark Howard advice of not getting insurance and purchased insurance for this phone.  So guess what? I am getting a new phone. Tomorrow!  Shipped right to my house.  You can't beat that service.

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