Tuesday, December 21, 2010

Prayer Request

Finding my MOMs group 5+ years ago was a godsend.  Sometimes I get frustrated with it all. Need I remind you how a bunch of women can be/act? 

But this week, I was reminded by how great these women are.

One of the wonderful ladies in our group, her son was diagnosed with ALL (a form of leukemia/cancer) on Friday.  Her husband has started a blog to keep everyone updated on him and them.

As a mom my heart hurts for her.  I think about this could happen to anyone.  But then I think about it happening to this woman and her son.  He is such a sweet boy.  It really will test your faith, bad things happening to good people.  I know you have to trust your faith to make it all right again but sometimes my head gets in the way. 

My MOMs group has gone above and beyond. Our group banded together to make a basket for the family. We asked on Sunday for some things. And boy did we receive.  All day yesterday and since 8am this morning the moms in our group have been dropping off stuff.  It has been a continuous stream at my house. We outgrew our first basket and I am thinking today we will outgrow the second one soon.  I am completely amazed at what these women are doing.  And the ideas of more things we can do just keep coming in.

So if you are a stay at home mommy and are reading this....do you have a MOMs club?  You should consider joining one. 

And if you are just a friend reading this, please send prayers for the Hart family.  They really need them.

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