Thursday, January 13, 2011

Snow Days 2011

Well for once the weather forecasters got it right here in Atlanta...

They predicted snow Sunday night, followed by sleet, followed by freezing temperatures, not to be better until Saturday.

I think we ended up with close to 6" of snow. For the first time ever my kids have sledded.  Two of them even seemed to really enjoy the snow.  I got to sled once.  The hubby got to a lot more. I will admit to being jealous. 

The Little Dude, he enjoyed it as long as he didn't have to walk in it.  He seemed scared to walk.  It may be because on Day 1, he fell down a lot.  In the picture below, he is crying.  But when I held his hand, he was fine.

It is now Thursday. The kids have missed 4 days of school. Don't worry, they haven't even noticed. Although I was asked once on Wednesday when they could play with their friends.  We had a happy hour playdate with some of our neighbors. Other than that, they are completely content to have their daddy home, drink hot chocolate all day and play.

I heard on the weather channel that the only place state in the country that doesn't have snow right on the ground right now is Florida.  Even Hawaii has snow.  I am contemplating a move to Florida...

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