Tuesday, November 2, 2010

Did I pinky swear?

Well I thought I was going to be blogging more in October...I swear I did.

But then I got a new job!!!

What, a job? Yes, I was asked this summer to watch two additional children this year when one of my girlfriends when back to work.  And she went back to work a little of two weeks ago.  So I have been so busy!  Trying to settle into this new schedule, extra kids, and everything.

And I have been working on my other exciting project.  I think it will be ready for a reveal in a couple of weeks. Hopefully two.  I am so exciting.  The BP (business partner) and I have been working so hard planning. I am extremely excited about it all.

And of course we had lots going on in our lives.  I am looking forward to this weekend when besides a soccer game, we have NOTHING to do.  Can you believe it? Not ONE thing.  The hubby is going to be so excited. 

Okay, I have to go. I am supposed to be online working really quick while the younger kids are taking their naps. Plus I am looking for a new computer. 

Be back later!

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