Friday, November 19, 2010

Last Day of School

So today was the last day of school for the big kids until Dec. 2nd.  It is going to be a lot of together time for us until then. I think it should be great. But I am worried about how well I will really handle it. Plus I am starting to feel the holiday crunch.

I have made my Thanksgiving menu.  I will grocery shop on Sunday or Monday evening.  Mon-Wed, I have to babysit and it will be a full house for us. Four kids plus my three kids = a major margarita happy hour one night. Just kidding...sort of.  To be honest, it has taken a while but I have a good group of girlfriends who every once in while I invite over to have a cocktail while the kids play. We just watch them, feed them dinner and sit around talking. It is a nice relief at the end of a long day. And we all need that time to talk (read: vent) with other moms so we know we aren't crazy.

I have been researching recipes but here is my menu as of right now. We will have 9 adults (possibly 10) and 6 kids.

Stuffing (in the bird)
Stuffing (in the crockpot)
Green Bean bundles (I am skipping the casserole this year and trying something new. This is my friend Amber's recipe so I am excited to share it)
Whipped Mashed potatoes
Sweet Potato casserole (in the crockpot)
Corn (my MIL is making this; we normally make a casserole but she said she may try something new)
Macaroni and Cheese (in the crockpot, my Mom is making this with a recipe we have been making a lot and love at our house)

I am still mulling this over so I will share later when I decide.

So the day after Thanksgiving, I will do my annual black friday shopping. Although I really haven't decided on many gifts yet for this year. The two big kids want a puppy and the hubby is not giving in. So I think we are going to get them a Wii but other than that we haven't picked out any other things yet.

Also on next week, we are leaving for our trip to Disney World. So excited! I have to pack our stuff next week at some point. So far the kids still don't know we are going. We have been working really hard to keep it a surprise. I also need to make our touring plans for the trip. I haven't had a chance to do that yet although I just figured out which park we will visit each day.

I just realized I have a lot to do. I need to stop writing for now and get on it. Plus I have two loads to put away.  And my BP is meeting with our mentor this afternoon, so I am going to try to get there to ask her a million questions.  Yes we are getting closer to launching. I can't believe how long it is taking us. I imagine everything will be up and running by the first of the year.  And our other project should have some news on it by the first week of December. So exciting!!!!

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