Wednesday, November 24, 2010

Oh came too quickly this week!

Wow.As I am sitting on the couch typing this post, I am literary exhausted.

I have spent the last week with a sick, cranky 2 year old. One who will not leave my leg. He has been clinging to it when I am not holding him.  The hubby took him to our wonderful md (and I mean that sincerely) last week. He had double ear infections. So they put him on a heavy dose antibiotic.  Said antibiotic gave him such diarrhea that he developed the worst diaper rash I have ever seen in my 6 years as a mommy.  Yesterday I took the almost 6 year old to the md (more on that in a minute) and mentioned the problem to my md.  I didn't have the Little Dude with me and of course she wanted to see him. So back we went today.  And I found out he had developed a staph infection from the rash. Ugh! So I had to fill another script for him. Now he is taking two antibiotics. I am sure this will be great for the tummy.

Yesterday I took the almost 6 year old drama queen for her physical. She is doing well. Nothing to report. She is still tiny. But still on her own little 8% curve. The md. said she much rather her be on this end than the other. And especially since she eats well. So I was happy for that. We also were able to get her asthma diagnosis reversed because she hasn't had an "attack" in over a year. She was diagnosed at 1 year old and I have been trying to get the label taken off her chart ever since. I do think she has breathing issues when she gets a cold, but I am not sure she needs the asthmatic label. So I was very happy about that. The doctor was also able to give her the flu mist instead of the shot because of it. But she was up for a immunization of some sort. Yes, I should no what they gave her.  But I don't. I am not that kind of mom. I give my kids immunizations so that they don't get funky diseases. I respect the opinion of those who don't believe in them, but I am just not one of those people.  So anyway back the Drama we are sitting in the room she tells me "Mommy, if I get a shot today I am not going to cry". I was like "yeah okay, why?". And she told me that now that she is 6, she can't be a baby and only a baby would cry when getting their shots. So I was a little shocked at this new attitude.  I mean she isn't one of the kids who I have to drag to the md., nor do we have to hold her down when she gets shots, or chase her around the room, but she definitely cries. But yesterday my trooper squeezed her eyes really tight to stop the tears and just smiled after the shot. I was in shock. And very proud of her!!!

On Monday, I started to feel my own throat getting sore. I started drinking tea and honey to ward off the sickness. I also had a milkshake to try and coat it. Which really just hurt my lactose intolerant stomach more than helped my throat. And yesterday as the day went on, my throat got worse and worse. By midnight when I could barely even swallow. I had taken 4 Motrin (800 mg) and felt like I was going to have to call in sick today. Ha ha, I know. I would have told the hubby but he was out at poker night with the guys and not even home yet for me to complain to. So instead I took some benadryl and prayed it would put me to sleep. Oh yeah and at like 11:30am, I tried to get seen by the md. because I was slightly worried it could be strep. The kiddos I babysit for had it last week and I had spent all day Monday with them. But of course I couldn't get an appt. until 5:30 on Wed. What a pain! But anyway, it must have been a nasal drip because the benadryl dried me up and my throat really isn't hurting anymore. But luckily, my kids wonderful md. took a look in my throat and ears and gave me a strep test when I was in the office. She said it seemed like I am coming down with a cold. Sometimes I wish God knew that there is no time for a cold in my plans until at least January. I mean, seriously?

So today, I took the Little Dude to the md. We were there forever. And then stopped at my friends house to pick up the kids. I had a glass of wine because she twisted my arm. After the kids cleaned up the toys, we headed on home to pack them up for a night at the grandparents.

The hubby and I went to Wal-Mart to pick up some beer and wine for tomorrow. Then we came home and started prepping the food. I made an gooey butter cake from Paula Deen. I'll upload a picture later and a recipe.

While the cake was baking, I finished up all our Disney plans. I printed out our touring plans and made an itinerary with all our meal reservations and what not. I was supposed to pack tonight but I think I will as soon as I get up in the morning.

Then I have to finish all the prepping, insert the leaf into my dining room table, set the table, pick up the kids, and clean up the kids rooms, especially their bathroom. I also need to plan out the Black Friday plan of attack. P (the bf) and I are going shopping together. I don't think either of us know what the heck we are buying so I need to figure that out soon.

Okay I think I need to go to bed now. Have a Happy Thanksgiving tomorrow and remember to think about all you have to be thankful for!

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