Tuesday, August 31, 2010

Happy Anniversary

Today is the hubby and my anniversary.  We were married 7 years ago. 

Funny story, my husband and I went to the same high school but never knew each other.  He is a year older than me.  My husband went to Clemson.  I met my husband the day after I graduated high school.  We were introduced by another friend because I was going to Clemson as well.  We started out as friends that summer. When we got to school we started dating casually for about a month or so.  We weren't serious or "exclusive" until the following spring.  Last week it was 14 years since we had our first date! How crazy is that. To say that I believe in fate or destiny is an understatement.

I am so blessed. I married my best friend. We are still as close (or closer) than ever.  If it wasn't for the minivan and its occupants, I'd swear we just got back from our honeymoon.  I hope this feeling of pure happiness lasts forever.

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