Wednesday, August 25, 2010

Meal Updates

Okay so the meal planning has been going well.  I have not stuck to the plan 3 times so far.  Twice it happened on Mondays. Both Mondays the hubby happened to be out of town which meant he wouldn't be enjoying my gourmet cooking (laugh inserted here).

On the first Monday, my MIL called. She invited us to dinner at a new(er) restaurant where the kids eat free on Monday.  So in the interested of not cooking, we went.  Our meals were good. The service was slow. 2 hours to get in and out with 3 kids is a little too long. At least for my kids.

Then this weekend, we had planned on eating out on Sunday but we switched it to Saturday. All was well because we ate Saturday's food Sunday. No biggie.

But on Monday, I just fell off the wagon.  The little dude started complaining that his ear hurt around 1pm. By the time I was able to get in with the md. it was for a 4:45 appt.  When I arrived at the doctors, I was told my appt time was triple booked.  I try to never get mad when I have to wait at the pediatrician because with kids I know there are certain times when someone really needs an appt.  And I have had to be squeezed in enough times to not mind.  But either way, it brought us to leaving the doctors office at 5:45. I had a meeting to attend at 7, and had my in-laws coming by to babysit at 6:45. I had originally planned to have the kids bathed and ready for bed once they arrived.  Instead I picked up Micky D's, shoveled it in the kids mouths, and rushed to put the kids pj's on.

Yesterday we got back on schedule.  I made tilipia for dinner.  Normally I bake it in the oven with blackened seasoning.  Last night, I pan fried it with panko.  I served it with risotto.  It was my first time making risotto ever. It was pretty good but I need to tweak the recipe and try again. Next time, I'll share it. Pinkie swear.

And I am thinking about batch cooking for next months meal plan. I am really trying to stick with a grocery budget, so I need to see if I can figure out a way to make that work. I'll let you know.

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