Monday, August 23, 2010

Two fun family events

The last two weekends we have done some fun family activities.

Two Fridays ago, we went to the Gwinnett Braves game. They are a minor league team whose field is right here in Buford.  We took the older kids and went with two other families.  First we met for dinner at Five Guys (yummy!).  It was looking a little rainy but we went over to the field to see if they were playing.  We got $5 tickets for the outfield. You can bring blankets to watch the game on a grassy hill. So that is what we did.  Actually the dads watched the game, kids and tried to see who could pitch the fastest ball.  The kids jumped in a bunch of inflatables and ran around.  And us moms, well we talked and watched the kids and the older kids (our husbands).  It was a really nice night. Completely low-key and a perfect way to end an otherwise crazy week.

See the daddies watching the game?

Then this past weekend, we took the kids to an outdoor concert in a neighboring town.  It was in the town park which is the city center.  The show was sponsored by a radio station. We got there early and had packed a snacks and drinks.  We met up with three other families.  We took our kids to one of the restaurants for dinner during the show. It was hot and we needed to get inside for some air conditioning. After dinner we went back to our blanket and chairs. The kids ran around and played with their friends while we waited for the headliners to come out.  Cowboy Mouth started at 8pm.  It was the kids first concert besides The Wiggles.  They seemed to love it. They were dancing and singing along as if they knew the words. So cute! We stayed for about an hour or so and then headed home so they wouldn't be up too late.  It was a great family event and cost barely anything. I want to take them to another show when the weather gets a little cooler.

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