Monday, August 16, 2010

I love my girl friends!

I can remember when I first moved here from college. I was extremely unhappy. I mean, I liked my job and our life but I missed having good girlfriends.  I would be on the phone for hours with one of my two Lisa's (my hs bff and college bff are both named Lisa).  And no one really knew I was unhappy.  But one day I stumbled across an article in some magazine about the power of women friendships, and I thought this person really gets it.  I think it actually may have included some sort of research about women and why we needed to have someone to talk to. 

Fast forward three years, the hubby and I are getting married.  I still worked in a male dominated field with very little chance to make girlfriends. The hubby and I lived in a bubble where most of our friends we met through his family. And most of the friends were guys. At this point, a few of the guys were married and had girlfriends.  And while we were all friendly, got along and had fun times together, I never felt like I completely clicked with any of the girls (my sisters-in-law excluded).  I've always had good relationships with my sisters-in-law.  But it is a little weird to complain to your DH sister about him (like we wives tend to do).  So suffice it to say we were as close as we could be and I loved them.  But something was still lacking.

So fast forward to the Little Angel being 5 months old.  My one sis-in-law could tell I was getting down.  She told me and urged me to join a local MOMS Club.  She had been a member of the one in her area for a while and loved it.  She had met some great friends, was getting out, and couldn't stop telling me about it.  So even though I have always been shy in a group, I did it.  I looked it up and the president called me.  She invited me to an event.  I was still a little nervous so I invited my other sis-in-law who lives right up the street. And off we went.

By the time my Angel was turning 1, I felt like I finally had made friends.  Since then, I have made lots of friends in the group.  And I have recruited lots of friends and neighbors to the group. I believe in the importance of the group. I believe in the support it provides for other mommies out there in need. But this isn't a MOMS Club commercial. 

Three years ago, I was lucky enough to make a friend through the Drama Queen.  She had a "boyfriend" at preschool.  His mom and I became fast friends.  You know how that just happens sometimes.  And last year, I met another great friend through our preschool.  The time it was through the Little Guy.  There is probably a group of 8-10 of us girls who have become close through our school or our different neighborhoods and the MOMS Club. We are all close to different people in the group but somehow always all weave together.  These are a great group of girls.  I never feel like I have to be anyone but myself with them.  Even when that means I am wearing my tee-shirt, jeans and tennis shoes while everyone else has on their dresses. I know there are one or two of them who are judging me (I mean we are women), I even could pick out who they are but I feel so comfortable with everyone else I just don't care.  It has taken me 10 long years in the Atlanta area to get to a place where I finally have a good core group of girlfriends.

On that note, I would like to say that this year has also brought me much closer to the wives in our old(in the fact that we have known them longer) group of friends.  Four of us took a cruise in May to celebrate one friends graduation and we had a blast.  We bonded in ways that I will remember forever. I never could have imagined our trip being as great as it was.

Fast forward to the present...last week one of my friends planned a girls night out.  We went to Firesalt Tavern.  It is a new local place.  The vibe was good, service was great and the food as excellent.  We may or may not have all gotten free shots from the bartender.  We enjoyed a nice relaxing evening.  As the night got later some of the friends went home. I should have, but like always, I did not.  Instead I went to 37 Main.  I love 37 Main.  Mostly because it reminds me of a college bar and let's face it, I wish I was in college still.  The had live karaoke.  If you have never been to something like this you have to go. It was so cool, pinkie swear. Note to self, do not go to 37 Main until after 1am when you have promised a bunch of people to go to Chuck E Cheese's the next day.  What a headache! And I mean that literally. But we had a blast. And I have the pictures to prove it.

To the point, I am so glad to have such a great group of girlfriends. I really do LOVE them!!!

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