Saturday, August 7, 2010

Women can be crazy....

I woke up Wednesday morning all prepared to bake a batch of Tastefully Simple brownies for the teachers.  But like most days, something happened and my whole day was thrown off. One of my really close friends woke up to find out some crazy lady, a fellow blogger (who has something against her husbands company) decided to post all the personal info about their family she could dig up.  She talked about their siblings, parents, pets, health and even children.  This friend of mine immediately went online and took down her anonymous blog.  Three years of her life erased.  But not even this could make her feel better.  She had been violated and personally attacked on the internet in front of thousands of strangers.  Now I know that I have been blogging only for a little while, and I try to keep my info anonymous as well.  But I have been reading blogs for years.  And I read upbeat and fun blogs.  Or blogs about peoples everyday lives.  I never read blogs that are posters for the "I hate" so and so club. So when I read this, I was completely disgusted.  And I still am. 
So because we spent most of the morning determining what a sick woman would do that, I didn't have time to do my baking.  No harm done.  I brought a box full of goodies (snacks) for the teachers. I think they liked it.  But as for the teachers, I LOVED them.  I am so happy that the Drama Queen is in their class. It was like immediate relief came over me. I am no longer so stressed for school to start on Monday.

I think I mentioned in an earlier post that the Drama Queen ended up in class with my BF's little boy, B. When I first found out about it was by someone else and I knew then(by her reaction) it was bound to be a big deal with all our mutual friends.  She told me "what are the chances" as if I would ask the school to put them together.  I mean really, who does that?  And when I said I didn't ask, she gave me a look like yeah right. So I swore I didn't.  And honestly what kind of school would really honor a request like that? I really didn't think much more about it.  But then the next morning another friend told me she heard by way of the first friend (but secondhand) that the two kids were in the same class and one of us parents must have requested it.  I told her no, that wasn't true and maybe she could keep it quiet. So yesterday I said something to friend number 1 who denied saying anything to friend number 2 who told friend number 3.  So I guess I have to be over it. But do people really ask for their kids to be in class with one of their friends? And do schools really think that is okay and the administrations honor it? I would be shocked if that is so.

On a much better note, I spent most of Thursday with my BF whom I haven't gotten to spend any alone time with in about a month.  Between vacations and her work schedule, it has been bad.  This is the friend whose house I used to spend hours when the Little Dude was a baby.  I would just sit on the recliner and chat away the hours our older kids were at preschool.  I missed that time so I am glad we got the chance to have some downtime.  And after that, we went to a playdate at another friends house.  Which became a mini happy hour while the kids had dinner and our hubby's got to enjoy some free time.  Mine was taking a nap when we got home.

We spent the Drama Queens last day of freedom swimming with all her Georgia cousins. We packed lunch and spent a couple of hours at the pool.  It was very relaxing minus the Little Dudes high pitch scream whenever he wasn't getting his way. I am proud to report that after all the swim lessons, the Little Man was swimming the pool like a fish.  It made all the nights at the pool this summer worth it.  Even the Little Dude was using either a noodle and swimmies or a tube. Normally he makes me hold him the whole time.  What a pain! It looked like a rain cloud might be coming so we packed up and headed home.  And the Little Dude took a 3 hour nap.  It was an unproductive one for me. I showered and napped myself. It has been an exhausting week. 

So here I am Saturday afternoon.  I have made a batch of vegetable soup for my lunches over the next couple of weeks. We had a really big lunch with the family.  The hubby and I are going out tonight with some friends to celebrate his brothers birthday. We cleaned the garage, did a million loads of laundry, meal planned for next week, and got my grocery list ready.  Next up is moving of the Little Dude's clothes into his new room with his brother.  But I might wait until tomorrow. I am feeling like I might want to just sit with the kids and relax. What are your plans for tonight?

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