Tuesday, September 14, 2010

Labor Day Weekend

We kicked off the weekend in style. The boys and I went on the lake Friday with the grandmas,  Pop-pop, Aunt J and one of the cousins. We beached the boat, jumped out and swam.  The boys played in the sand and "swam'. We ate lunch on the beach and then got about another hour in the water before we had to head home for buses.  It was so nice and mostly relaxing.

I taught some friends how to make Gigi's meatballs and gravy on Friday night for dinner.  We had 7 kids playing in the basement (and 1 dog), while we all took on jobs in a line to prepare the dinner.  I made the meatballs, P diced up the herbs, and D opened the cans. D was tired...she ran 18 miles that day for marathon training.  Once the sauce was simmering, we all sat down to enjoy a glass of wine. I had also brought over some fabulous cheese from Costco for us to snack on. 

The hubbies trickled in as they got home from work.  We heated up the kids dinner first, pasta with butter sauce and Parmesan cheese.  Once they were back downstairs playing, the adults sat down to eat.  Then we had some cookie cake and dessert for D's birthday. Nothing too fancy since we were really celebrating on Saturday night with a couples night out.

Saturday was spent watching Clemson play.  Go Tigers!!! They won the game although it was like waiting for water boil, trying to get them to score.

After the game, we went out to 37 Main for D's birthday night.  A Bon Jovi cover band, Slippery When Wet, was playing.  There were 4 couples who went out to celebrate. We had dinner and lots of drinks.  Luckily we had planned to take taxi's home but ended up with a DD.  It was such a fun night. I had a great time.

Sunday was spent running errands before we picked up our babies from grandma and grandpa's house.  And then we went to my nephew's 4th birthday party.  It was a pool party which was a great time.

The kids begged us to have their cousins sleep over and since we had nothing planned for the next day, we did.  Monday was spent with our family and a couple of friends, grilling out while the kids played in the kiddie pool.  It was an early night since school was back in on Tuesday.

All in all a great weekend!

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