Monday, September 20, 2010

Manic Monday

We all overslept.  And I forgot the Little Man's school bag at home. So I had to run to Publix to get him lunch.

I hosted playgroup at the house. This is always a source of terror and dread for me.

I spent all afternoon brainstorming/working on my new project.  I can't wait to share!

The hubby is out of town and so I invited a friend over for dinner. It is always nice to have another mom to share dinner with when he is gone.  And the kids love having the playdate. 

It is 7:19pm and the house is quiet. I guess that is my payment for the crazy day. I am about to have a glass of wine and indulge in some reality tv.

And maybe I will make a meal plan.  I haven't made one for the week yet.  I really need to go back to the monthly one. We'll see.

1 comment:

  1. These kinds of days can set you up all wrong. Like my 1/2 hour lateness that carried through the day. Ugh. Hope tomorrow goes better.
