Wednesday, September 15, 2010

Wednesday Wisdom

Okay so the boys woke up a million times last night.  And I am very tired. So my wisdom just wasn't there.  I ended up posting on FB "Beer then liquor, never sicker. Liquor then beer, in the clear."

But then about 10 minutes later while waiting in the carpool line at the Little Guy's school it came to me.  Of course, it came by way of a crazy lady inches away from banging into Little Dude's door because it couldn't be easy today.

Today's wisdom is"Patience is a virtue."

Everyones time is important. And I really don't think the 10 seconds saved rushing into the parking spot instead of waiting her turn really made that much of a difference in the grand scheme of things. Especially since the parking job was so lousy, it had to be straightened out thus the almost hitting me. Seriously lady!
Plus we were in the church parking lot where I felt bad opening my window to yell at you. So I was forced to shake my head at you instead. Not to mention it is carpool for a reason, not for you to bypass it and walk in your child anyway.  Ugh!


  1. That is just awful!! Patience is a virtue in all aspects of life. Whether in carpool, the grocery store, on a long run, :-) etc...

  2. Oh when people think they are they only ones on the planet it makes me so mad. The other day I was at a red light. RED. The car behind me decided it was too long for his taste. So after being stopped just like me, he swerved around me, nearly hitting two cars, and sped right through that RED light. Only to catch the next one. Guess who was right behind him for the next 10 minutes. Me. Until my lane ended up being faster and I passed him, legally, not speeding. I mean, seriously. He could have killed people and in the end, it accomplished not a darn thing.
