Wednesday, December 29, 2010

Breakfast with Santa

On the first Saturday of winter break, my moms group planned a breakfast with Santa. It was at Lake Lanier Islands. It was a buffet breakfast where the kids got to go up, sit with Santa and talk to him.  We had a big group go around 50 people.  The event was great for the kids but not what us adults signed up for. Our service was also much less than desired. Here are some pics I took of the kids with Santa.

Christmas programs

All three of the kids had Christmas programs at the three different schools.  Even the Angel in Kindergarten had a Christmas party and her concert was earlier in the month. I am happy to report the school even had a Christmas up on display. So not all the fun has been taken out of school.

The Little Man was Joseph in his nativity play.  After his program (the kids sang songs in the worship space), his class shared milk and cookies, and had a book exchange. This picture is from following the event with the Little Man and Little Dude.

The Angels party was the same day. They had lots of activities to do.  We made reindeer and reindeer food (which we forgot to put out on Christmas Eve...oooops).  We made necklaces.  And the kids decorated cookies and had a snack. 

The following day was the Little Dudes program and party.  School was on a 2-hour delay that day because of ice and the Little Mans school was actually cancelled. His program was so cute. It is always interesting when the little ones perform. I don't think he actually sang any music but he didn't cry (like at Halloween) so I was happy with it.  Afterwards we went to his class for a pizza party.  They also had a book exchange.  

It was a fun time at all three schools. I am happy that I was able to attend it all.

Tuesday, December 21, 2010

Prayer Request

Finding my MOMs group 5+ years ago was a godsend.  Sometimes I get frustrated with it all. Need I remind you how a bunch of women can be/act? 

But this week, I was reminded by how great these women are.

One of the wonderful ladies in our group, her son was diagnosed with ALL (a form of leukemia/cancer) on Friday.  Her husband has started a blog to keep everyone updated on him and them.

As a mom my heart hurts for her.  I think about this could happen to anyone.  But then I think about it happening to this woman and her son.  He is such a sweet boy.  It really will test your faith, bad things happening to good people.  I know you have to trust your faith to make it all right again but sometimes my head gets in the way. 

My MOMs group has gone above and beyond. Our group banded together to make a basket for the family. We asked on Sunday for some things. And boy did we receive.  All day yesterday and since 8am this morning the moms in our group have been dropping off stuff.  It has been a continuous stream at my house. We outgrew our first basket and I am thinking today we will outgrow the second one soon.  I am completely amazed at what these women are doing.  And the ideas of more things we can do just keep coming in.

So if you are a stay at home mommy and are reading you have a MOMs club?  You should consider joining one. 

And if you are just a friend reading this, please send prayers for the Hart family.  They really need them.

Tuesday, December 14, 2010

I am freezing...

The weather here is absolutely freezing. I can not even get comfortable in the house. I am either so cold or hot because of all the layers. Plus my hair is all static-ey which I hate.

The drama queen said this was the coldest day ever.  I am not sure but it is record breaking cold here...A record from the 1910's.

I moved to the south because I hate cold weather. This is one of those times when I just want to ask "Seriously?"

Saturday, December 4, 2010

My Newest Job

Even though I love being a stay-at-home mommy and a part-time babysitter, I am really excited to do something more. I am so happy to finally share part 1 of my new endeavor. I am starting a consignment sale with one of my friends!!!! Visit my website

We are back

We got back from Disney on Thursday afternoon. We ran out to the Angel's concert. Friday was her and her friends pool party. Today the Little Man had soccer, we went out to lunch, stopped by a friends house, decorated the tree, and did some Christmas shopping.  So sometime this week I will be blogging but not tonight. Tonight I am editing pictures in the hopes to get my Christmas cards soon (ha ha). Tomorrow I am taking the Angel to the American Girl store with a friend and her daughter and my mom. I am getting her a doll for her birthday. Yes, I have given in. I realized my kids really aren't as spoiled as I always fear they are. So for once, I am just going to get what she asks for without thinking about the how I shouldn't and the why not.

Wednesday, November 24, 2010

Oh came too quickly this week!

Wow.As I am sitting on the couch typing this post, I am literary exhausted.

I have spent the last week with a sick, cranky 2 year old. One who will not leave my leg. He has been clinging to it when I am not holding him.  The hubby took him to our wonderful md (and I mean that sincerely) last week. He had double ear infections. So they put him on a heavy dose antibiotic.  Said antibiotic gave him such diarrhea that he developed the worst diaper rash I have ever seen in my 6 years as a mommy.  Yesterday I took the almost 6 year old to the md (more on that in a minute) and mentioned the problem to my md.  I didn't have the Little Dude with me and of course she wanted to see him. So back we went today.  And I found out he had developed a staph infection from the rash. Ugh! So I had to fill another script for him. Now he is taking two antibiotics. I am sure this will be great for the tummy.

Yesterday I took the almost 6 year old drama queen for her physical. She is doing well. Nothing to report. She is still tiny. But still on her own little 8% curve. The md. said she much rather her be on this end than the other. And especially since she eats well. So I was happy for that. We also were able to get her asthma diagnosis reversed because she hasn't had an "attack" in over a year. She was diagnosed at 1 year old and I have been trying to get the label taken off her chart ever since. I do think she has breathing issues when she gets a cold, but I am not sure she needs the asthmatic label. So I was very happy about that. The doctor was also able to give her the flu mist instead of the shot because of it. But she was up for a immunization of some sort. Yes, I should no what they gave her.  But I don't. I am not that kind of mom. I give my kids immunizations so that they don't get funky diseases. I respect the opinion of those who don't believe in them, but I am just not one of those people.  So anyway back the Drama we are sitting in the room she tells me "Mommy, if I get a shot today I am not going to cry". I was like "yeah okay, why?". And she told me that now that she is 6, she can't be a baby and only a baby would cry when getting their shots. So I was a little shocked at this new attitude.  I mean she isn't one of the kids who I have to drag to the md., nor do we have to hold her down when she gets shots, or chase her around the room, but she definitely cries. But yesterday my trooper squeezed her eyes really tight to stop the tears and just smiled after the shot. I was in shock. And very proud of her!!!

On Monday, I started to feel my own throat getting sore. I started drinking tea and honey to ward off the sickness. I also had a milkshake to try and coat it. Which really just hurt my lactose intolerant stomach more than helped my throat. And yesterday as the day went on, my throat got worse and worse. By midnight when I could barely even swallow. I had taken 4 Motrin (800 mg) and felt like I was going to have to call in sick today. Ha ha, I know. I would have told the hubby but he was out at poker night with the guys and not even home yet for me to complain to. So instead I took some benadryl and prayed it would put me to sleep. Oh yeah and at like 11:30am, I tried to get seen by the md. because I was slightly worried it could be strep. The kiddos I babysit for had it last week and I had spent all day Monday with them. But of course I couldn't get an appt. until 5:30 on Wed. What a pain! But anyway, it must have been a nasal drip because the benadryl dried me up and my throat really isn't hurting anymore. But luckily, my kids wonderful md. took a look in my throat and ears and gave me a strep test when I was in the office. She said it seemed like I am coming down with a cold. Sometimes I wish God knew that there is no time for a cold in my plans until at least January. I mean, seriously?

So today, I took the Little Dude to the md. We were there forever. And then stopped at my friends house to pick up the kids. I had a glass of wine because she twisted my arm. After the kids cleaned up the toys, we headed on home to pack them up for a night at the grandparents.

The hubby and I went to Wal-Mart to pick up some beer and wine for tomorrow. Then we came home and started prepping the food. I made an gooey butter cake from Paula Deen. I'll upload a picture later and a recipe.

While the cake was baking, I finished up all our Disney plans. I printed out our touring plans and made an itinerary with all our meal reservations and what not. I was supposed to pack tonight but I think I will as soon as I get up in the morning.

Then I have to finish all the prepping, insert the leaf into my dining room table, set the table, pick up the kids, and clean up the kids rooms, especially their bathroom. I also need to plan out the Black Friday plan of attack. P (the bf) and I are going shopping together. I don't think either of us know what the heck we are buying so I need to figure that out soon.

Okay I think I need to go to bed now. Have a Happy Thanksgiving tomorrow and remember to think about all you have to be thankful for!

Sunday, November 21, 2010

Luke Bryan and Jason Aldean Concert

Last night the hubby and I had a great date night. It was his birthday present because Jason Aldean is his favorite county male artist right now. I got us tickets to see him and Luke Bryan at the Gwinnett Arena. We went with my SIL and BIL and a bunch of their friends.

We went out for dinner first. We went to a Japanese steakhouse. I haven't been to one in a long time. It was surprisingly good.  We had a nice time at dinner and then we headed over to the concert.
I can't remember who the first opening act was. I do know that when they were singing the last song I looked at my hubby and said "I recognize this song." To which he replied that I should because it was a cover. Ha! I guess I may have had a couple of beers by then.

Luke Bryan came out next. He was great. He sang a new song of his which was really good. And of course lots of the ones from his album which came out last year.

Jason Aldean was also excellent. He sang lots of his hits. He also has a new album which just came out.  His new songs from that album were really good. I am really excited to buy it.

Both guys are from Georgia which was neat. They made a lot of home state references. They sang some songs together which was really cool as well. Plus it was the last night of their tour. So I'd like to think the energy was better than normal.  And it seemed to be.

All in all (besides the early wake up by the Little Dude...who is quickly becoming the Little Monster), it was a great date night!

Friday, November 19, 2010

Last Day of School

So today was the last day of school for the big kids until Dec. 2nd.  It is going to be a lot of together time for us until then. I think it should be great. But I am worried about how well I will really handle it. Plus I am starting to feel the holiday crunch.

I have made my Thanksgiving menu.  I will grocery shop on Sunday or Monday evening.  Mon-Wed, I have to babysit and it will be a full house for us. Four kids plus my three kids = a major margarita happy hour one night. Just kidding...sort of.  To be honest, it has taken a while but I have a good group of girlfriends who every once in while I invite over to have a cocktail while the kids play. We just watch them, feed them dinner and sit around talking. It is a nice relief at the end of a long day. And we all need that time to talk (read: vent) with other moms so we know we aren't crazy.

I have been researching recipes but here is my menu as of right now. We will have 9 adults (possibly 10) and 6 kids.

Stuffing (in the bird)
Stuffing (in the crockpot)
Green Bean bundles (I am skipping the casserole this year and trying something new. This is my friend Amber's recipe so I am excited to share it)
Whipped Mashed potatoes
Sweet Potato casserole (in the crockpot)
Corn (my MIL is making this; we normally make a casserole but she said she may try something new)
Macaroni and Cheese (in the crockpot, my Mom is making this with a recipe we have been making a lot and love at our house)

I am still mulling this over so I will share later when I decide.

So the day after Thanksgiving, I will do my annual black friday shopping. Although I really haven't decided on many gifts yet for this year. The two big kids want a puppy and the hubby is not giving in. So I think we are going to get them a Wii but other than that we haven't picked out any other things yet.

Also on next week, we are leaving for our trip to Disney World. So excited! I have to pack our stuff next week at some point. So far the kids still don't know we are going. We have been working really hard to keep it a surprise. I also need to make our touring plans for the trip. I haven't had a chance to do that yet although I just figured out which park we will visit each day.

I just realized I have a lot to do. I need to stop writing for now and get on it. Plus I have two loads to put away.  And my BP is meeting with our mentor this afternoon, so I am going to try to get there to ask her a million questions.  Yes we are getting closer to launching. I can't believe how long it is taking us. I imagine everything will be up and running by the first of the year.  And our other project should have some news on it by the first week of December. So exciting!!!!

Monday, November 15, 2010

New Computer

It has been a long time coming but this weekend I finally got a new laptop. I am so happy. We are keeping our other computer in the office but the new one will allow me to get so much more work done. I have been watching two additional children so I am seldom home alone with only my kids. Having this laptop is allowing me time to be on the computer while downstairs with the kids. It means I might actually get some stuff done!

Plus today I put away 2 loads of laundry and have one in the dryer. I have managed to make dinner. I have managed to keep the house clean (keep in mind I know this is a relative term). But the laundry always alludes me.  I have less than a month before I have to make it a resolution again.  Ahhh!!

Sunday, November 14, 2010

Yummy Dinner

This is one of my go to recipes. We typically have the ingredients in the house. It is quick and easy.  Best of all, everyone LOVES it.  I got it from Family Circle magazine.

Farfalle with Peas and Goat Cheese

Here is what you need to make it:
8 oz farfalle pasta
1-1/2 cups of frozen peas, thawed (I normally leave this out b/c I am not a fan of peas)
1 large red pepper, seeded & cut into 1/4" strips
1 TB cornstarch
2 TB olive oil
3 cloves garlic, minced
2 ts dried oregano
1/8 ts red pepper flakes
1/2 cup white wine
1-1/2 cups low-sodium chicken broth
1/2 ts salt
1 bunch chives, cut into 1/2" pcs.
3/4 cup chopped walnuts, toasted (I always leave this out since I am allergic to nuts)
1/2 cup crumbled goat cheese

* Bring a medium size pot of salted water to a boil. Cook pasta according to package directions, about 12 minutes, reserving 1/4 cup of the pasta water. Add peas and red pepper to pasta pot for last 2 minutes of cook time. Drain pasta mixture and set aside.

*Meanwhile, stir together cornstarch and 1 TB water; set aside. Heat olive oil in a large nonstick skillet over med-high heat. Add garlic, oregano, and red pepper flakes and cook for 1 minute. Stir in wine and bring to a boil. Cook for about 2 minutes, stirring occasionally. Stir in chicken broth and bring to a boil. Stir in cornstarch mixture and cook 2 minutes or until thickened. Stir in salt.

*Add pasta mixture to the skillet and stir together with sauce. Stir in chives, walnuts, and 1/4 cup of the goat cheese. Add pasta water by the tablespoonful if mixture appears dry. Sprinkle with remaining goat cheese. Serve immediately.

Like I said, we love this meal.  It is extremely easy. It is quick. It requires little to no planning. It is a perfect last minute meal.

Tuesday, November 2, 2010

Did I pinky swear?

Well I thought I was going to be blogging more in October...I swear I did.

But then I got a new job!!!

What, a job? Yes, I was asked this summer to watch two additional children this year when one of my girlfriends when back to work.  And she went back to work a little of two weeks ago.  So I have been so busy!  Trying to settle into this new schedule, extra kids, and everything.

And I have been working on my other exciting project.  I think it will be ready for a reveal in a couple of weeks. Hopefully two.  I am so exciting.  The BP (business partner) and I have been working so hard planning. I am extremely excited about it all.

And of course we had lots going on in our lives.  I am looking forward to this weekend when besides a soccer game, we have NOTHING to do.  Can you believe it? Not ONE thing.  The hubby is going to be so excited. 

Okay, I have to go. I am supposed to be online working really quick while the younger kids are taking their naps. Plus I am looking for a new computer. 

Be back later!

Sunday, October 10, 2010

Busy Week

Last week was busy and the kids got sick.  So I didn't even have time to open up the computer. I did everything on my phone. The only reason I am on here this morning is that the kids slept over the grandparents and the hubby is playing golf.

On Friday we went to this really cool farm on a field trip and tomorrow we are going to the zoo.  Lots more details to come. Pinky swear!

Monday, October 4, 2010

The new evite

We don't get along.

I really don't like the evite!

That's it...I'm just putting it out there.

Oh and tonight, I am going to a wine tasting with the girls!!!

Sunday, October 3, 2010

Last night

Last night a friend and I made dinner for my husband. It is his birthday on Tuesday.  She loves to cook (like me), so we asked him his favorite dish and went with it. 

It wasn't actually that easy.  At first he responded with "what's yours?".  Then he picked mine. I had said lobster.  There really wasn't much of a chance that I was making lobster.  All week he pondered his favorite dish. On Wednesday night he decided to google the menu of Calhoun Corners.  It is a fancy restaurant in Clemson.  He said he had his favorite dish there. So be picked steak with a mushroom and prosciutto cognac sauce and banana cream pie.

So we had a starting point. We came up with the rest of the menu and went to work on figuring out how to make the sauce. 

The menu was:
Pumpkin dip with gingersnap crackers
Shrimp cocktail
Autumn Salad with lemon poppy seed dressing
Main Dish
NY Strip Steaks w/ mushroom and prosciutto brandy sauce
Roasted potatoes
Steamed Broccoli and Cauliflower
Banana Creme Pie
Pumpkin Chocolate Chip Cake with Caramel sauce

I will include recipes for the meal later on this week. Suffice it to say, dinner was delicious!

Saturday, October 2, 2010


So the other night in bed, our DVR switched to tape Keeping up the Kardashians.  I love that show.  My hubby, all irritated, asks "Do you really have to tape this junk. All you watch is junky tv?"  I am thinking yes but instead I say something along the lines of "sure change it, watch what you want".  So he puts on Jackass. 

Seriously ?!?!?

I mean really???

I didn't realize that show was so much better.

Friday, October 1, 2010

Cell phone woes

Until last April, I had an old school cell phone. It was a flip phone. It was so ancient I couldn't stand text messaging on it.

Then in April after holding out for an I-Phone, I decided to bite the bullet. I bought a Droid from Verizon. I am a Verizon customer.  Loyal, in spite of their prices. The hubby tries to make me switch carriers all the time.  I refuse.

The transformation...I could text, email and do basically anything from my phone. I love it!  So as I am running out of the house tonight to go to a party at a neighbors house, I drop my phone.  Not on the hard ground or anything, on the couch...and the screen breaks.  I swear it gave me a panic attack.

I couldn't enjoy myself at the party. It was awful. Finally, I had to leave the party to go to Verizon.

They were closed but the man who works there told me a "bleeding screen" isn't covered.  And then he asked me "Do you have insurance?". And for once I had ignored the Clark Howard advice of not getting insurance and purchased insurance for this phone.  So guess what? I am getting a new phone. Tomorrow!  Shipped right to my house.  You can't beat that service.

Wednesday, September 29, 2010

Wednesday Wisdom

During the past week my facebook wall has been cluttered with friends talking about feeling good in ones own shoes, ignoring gossip, and pretty much living life the way you want to.  My favorite quote that someone posted and it may have been just their own words is going to be this weeks wisdom.

Life is too short to stress yourself with people who don't even deserve to be an issue in your life.

I stressed about one person for way too long last winter/spring. But I eventually realized that I was wasting my time. So I let it go. And I felt so much better. In fact, I rarely even think about this person any longer.  It has made a huge difference in my life.

So I hope you can take this advice and run with it.

Diet update

I decided to switch my weigh in days from Tuesday to Saturday.

So this week was a little short.  But I am down 4.5 lbs. total.


Tuesday, September 28, 2010

Am I smarter than a 2nd grader?

Although I passed the are you smarter than a 3rd grader test my SIL emailed me a couple of weeks back, I am not sure I am qualified for 2nd grade math (or reading for that matter). 

Today I watched my niece and nephew after school. My niece and the Drama Queen each sat down to the their homework.  After checking my niece's math homework (& yes I considered using a calculator), I was trying to explain how to solve the problem. It was something like 51 - 28, and I was shocked to discover that they no longer do math how we were taught.  She looked at me like I was insane when I tried to about carrying things over and crossing out a number.  She taught me their terminology nowadays to which I probably looked shocked. I even had to call my SIL to teach me so I could teach her.

I have to admit, I am a little nervous for when the Drama Queen gets to 2nd grade.  I told the hubby at dinner that I might need a tutor so I could teach our kids. He laughed at me.  But he didn't realize that  I was only half joking....

Monday, September 27, 2010

Pesto and Red Pepper Cream Cheese Bake

On Saturday evening, the family and I were invited to a friends house last minute for dinner. The hosts already had everything planned/prepared and didn't really need us to bring anything.  I couldn't go empty handed so we decided to bring this easy to prepare appetizer. One of our friends makes a similar recipe cold and without the crescent roll.  She also uses sun dried tomatoes in her recipe.  My hubby doesn't like the tomatoes so we changed it up and came up with this recipe.

Pesto and Red Pepper Cream Cheese Bake

1 can crescent rolls
1 (8 oz) package cream cheese
4 TB pesto sauce
4 TB roasted red peppers, chopped

  • Preheat oven to 325 degrees. Grease a baking sheet. Unroll half of the dough on the baking sheet.  Press the seams together.
  • Cut the cream cheese in half the horizontal way. Place one half of the cream on top of the dough on the baking sheet. Top with the half of the pesto and half of the red peppers. 
  • Put the other cream cheese layer on top and repeat.
  • Place the remaining dough over the top and cover cream cheese completely. Be sure to seal all the edges so nothing leaks out.
  • Bake around 18 - 20 minutes or until browned.
  • Let cool for a couple of minutes before eating it.
We serve it with wheat thins, but any cracker should do.

My word might just be "LOST"

So yesterday I went to see the movie Eat, Pray, Love at the theater. I have been wanting to see it since it came out but never seemed to find the time.  I read the book about 2 years ago. I saw it in Target and for some reason, it called me. I am not normally a fan of memoirs.  But I liked the book, really liked it.  The Italy part was my favorite. I have always wanted to travel there.

In July, my book club read the book. Lots of the women had different ideas than me about the book. But none of their thoughts really were able to change my opinion. I didn't find the author whiny. I didn't think the book closed up in a neat little package. I mean, it did, but not in a way that seemed fake to me at all. I understood the author.  I mean I don't have a box filled with maps, but I have a notebook.  And I have lots of dreams/ideas in that notebook.

So when watching the movie, there was a part in Italy where everyone was using one word to describe themselves and places they have been. I spent the better part of yesterday attempting to come up with my word. It is hard to come up with one word to define yourself.  I mean of course I could say mommy but I'd like to think I am more than that. And I could say tired since that is certainly true 99.9% of the time. I am sure some would say the word is b*itch. I have tons of b*itchiness in me. Just ask my husband or one of my best friends, or even someone who has gotten on my "crazy" is definitely a describing word. But a defining word. I just don't know. While trying to think about all these words, I have thought of many things I have done and all the things I still want to accomplish. I thought about the goals I have set for myself. And how I am still not sure what I want to be when I grow up. I mean I know what I dream to be but that is a dream. A dream that I have never shared(& probably won't ever). So I think right now, today, my word is lost. 

I think I have lost myself a little bit. I have spent this year trying to get myself back. But I am not sure who exactly I am channelling. It isn't like I can be the 18 year old version of myself. I mean I have kids now. And I definitely don't want to be any younger versions of myself than that.  Now the college version of myself was fun, but way too insecure with boyfriends. And I don't think the hubby could go back to that time. He'd kill me. But I guess when I think about it, I don't really want to go back. I don't want to erase one single thing that has happened. I just wish I didn't get so caught up in the day to day. I wish I didn't feel like I have given up so many dreams. And I wish I wasn't so selfish so I wouldn't think this way.

I started blogging back in 2008. I know you can't see back that far.  Blogging has always been therapeutic for me. So with that said, I didn't advertise this being me. Not that I really do now. But I was extremely real on the blog. And because people I know read it now I found it necessary to censor myself so no ones feelings were hurt. But I realized yesterday, I was losing myself in the blog because of that. So I am back. No more censoring. But I will still keep names anonymous.  My family and friends didn't sign up for this. In fact most of them don't even know I blog. Hey, it is cheaper than therapy...

Wednesday, September 22, 2010


Okay so last year, I was not in a great place. I had some friends who always left me wanting for more. Whether it was me being more thin, fit or fashionable...or even being a better mother, I always wanted more. I had a great friend from preschool/church. In fact, she was/is my best friend. But even she needed the acceptance of the "cool" crowd.

So at preschool I met a new friend. And the bff introduced us to a new friend. This all happened last spring, I feel like a whole new life has come my way. Life is great. I feel so blessed. And I have the best friends, extremely trustworthy and honest. People who make every day feel great. Not anyone I ever have to think about ulterior motives with.

Even this past weekend the hubby and I were out with some of the old friends. And one had the nerve to sit in judgement of another friends time in a 5k race. There are so many things wrong with it. One person in the car said something to him. But it just made me want to scream hypocrite. No one is perfect.  Yes I bet he feels good sitting in judgement of others in the moment. But to make fun of someone who is trying. Well, I wonder what will happen when his judgement day comes.

It all just made me(and luckily, the hubby) realize how lucky we are now.

Monday, September 20, 2010

Manic Monday

We all overslept.  And I forgot the Little Man's school bag at home. So I had to run to Publix to get him lunch.

I hosted playgroup at the house. This is always a source of terror and dread for me.

I spent all afternoon brainstorming/working on my new project.  I can't wait to share!

The hubby is out of town and so I invited a friend over for dinner. It is always nice to have another mom to share dinner with when he is gone.  And the kids love having the playdate. 

It is 7:19pm and the house is quiet. I guess that is my payment for the crazy day. I am about to have a glass of wine and indulge in some reality tv.

And maybe I will make a meal plan.  I haven't made one for the week yet.  I really need to go back to the monthly one. We'll see.

Sunday, September 19, 2010

And yes I admitted it in print

In my last post I admitted that I am on a diet.  I started last week. I am not following anything in particular. 

I am cutting out soft drinks, avoiding fast/fried foods, and eating smaller portions. I am also going to do cardio 3 times a week and attempt to make it the gym for class 2 other times a week. We shall see.

But I have a goal in mind. And I have a reward in mind for when I reach the goal.  So I am motivated!  And week 1 went well. I am down 2 pounds so I am happy today.

A fortune cookie

Last week my sweet hubby took the kids out to dinner because I was hosting a Pampered Chef party. I needed some extra time to clean up plus the peace and quiet. When they got home two hours later, I was a little disappointed to learn they had eaten Chinese food.  I love Chinese and I'm on a diet, so the thought of enjoying some Sesame Chicken made me salivate.

Well the Drama Queen brought home her fortune cookie to eat.  When we cracked it open, the fortune said, "You are going to have a great birthday party this year".

We are going to be in Disney World this year for her birthday.  And we have a small birthday breakfast party planned for her with Minnie, Mickey, Pluto, our family and some friends.  She has no idea we are going to Disney or any of the details so it really is going to be a great birthday. I am getting so excited planning it all out.

Wednesday, September 15, 2010

Wednesday Wisdom

Okay so the boys woke up a million times last night.  And I am very tired. So my wisdom just wasn't there.  I ended up posting on FB "Beer then liquor, never sicker. Liquor then beer, in the clear."

But then about 10 minutes later while waiting in the carpool line at the Little Guy's school it came to me.  Of course, it came by way of a crazy lady inches away from banging into Little Dude's door because it couldn't be easy today.

Today's wisdom is"Patience is a virtue."

Everyones time is important. And I really don't think the 10 seconds saved rushing into the parking spot instead of waiting her turn really made that much of a difference in the grand scheme of things. Especially since the parking job was so lousy, it had to be straightened out thus the almost hitting me. Seriously lady!
Plus we were in the church parking lot where I felt bad opening my window to yell at you. So I was forced to shake my head at you instead. Not to mention it is carpool for a reason, not for you to bypass it and walk in your child anyway.  Ugh!

Tuesday, September 14, 2010

One of those days

Have you ever had one of those days where you feel completely incompetent?  Especially as a parent or in my case, as a mom?

Today was that day! It started off with a kindergartner who is super slow forgetting her homework because I rushed her to catch the bus.  And by rush, I mean I sent her running down the street after it.  After that I dropped off the other kids and realized I forgot to put the laundry in the dryer.  So on my way to a meeting I had to stop home for that.  Post meeting, I had to go home and pick up karate uniform for belt test.

Off to carpool/afternoon pick up at two different schools.  This year I have three kids at three different schools.  It is going to be a logistical nightmare I'm afraid.  So I picked up at school 1, rushed down to school 2, where my baby, a.k.a the Little Dude, was fast asleep in his teachers arms....where he cried himself to sleep because he wanted me.  Fabulous (please note the sarcasm here),an now he will become "that" kid to the teachers.

Off to karate for belt testing. When we first got there, Little Man had a complete meltdown over water. the teacher said he had never seen him cry before. Well that should have been my first clue just to take him home. I apparently forgot the Little Man's pants.  This was take two for testing because last weeks test didn't go so well.  His teacher was going to give him a belt even though he was terrible but I convinced him otherwise. Today's test was going well until about the last 5 minutes when the class starting acting extremely silly and not listening to our teacher.  So no belt again.  This didn't really bother me. What bothered me was the huge tantrum the Little Man threw when I forced him to apologize for his bad behavior.  It went from bad to worse. There was a tantrum about his booster seat, his water bottle and refusing to wear a seat belt.  He isn't the best behaved kid, but also isn't normally this bad either.  When we got home, he sat in time out but I am not sure he gets it.

The playroom clean up before dinner was a disaster, too.  Thankfully the hubby was home and helped with this.  Both boys ended up in time out while their sister cleaned the whole room.  So they had to suffer with no dessert after dinner.  This caused both of them to run from the dinner table crying instead of eating dinner. Finally after 30 minutes of punishment/time-outs they ate their food. 

We put them to bed at 6:45 tonight. Can you blame me?

Labor Day Weekend

We kicked off the weekend in style. The boys and I went on the lake Friday with the grandmas,  Pop-pop, Aunt J and one of the cousins. We beached the boat, jumped out and swam.  The boys played in the sand and "swam'. We ate lunch on the beach and then got about another hour in the water before we had to head home for buses.  It was so nice and mostly relaxing.

I taught some friends how to make Gigi's meatballs and gravy on Friday night for dinner.  We had 7 kids playing in the basement (and 1 dog), while we all took on jobs in a line to prepare the dinner.  I made the meatballs, P diced up the herbs, and D opened the cans. D was tired...she ran 18 miles that day for marathon training.  Once the sauce was simmering, we all sat down to enjoy a glass of wine. I had also brought over some fabulous cheese from Costco for us to snack on. 

The hubbies trickled in as they got home from work.  We heated up the kids dinner first, pasta with butter sauce and Parmesan cheese.  Once they were back downstairs playing, the adults sat down to eat.  Then we had some cookie cake and dessert for D's birthday. Nothing too fancy since we were really celebrating on Saturday night with a couples night out.

Saturday was spent watching Clemson play.  Go Tigers!!! They won the game although it was like waiting for water boil, trying to get them to score.

After the game, we went out to 37 Main for D's birthday night.  A Bon Jovi cover band, Slippery When Wet, was playing.  There were 4 couples who went out to celebrate. We had dinner and lots of drinks.  Luckily we had planned to take taxi's home but ended up with a DD.  It was such a fun night. I had a great time.

Sunday was spent running errands before we picked up our babies from grandma and grandpa's house.  And then we went to my nephew's 4th birthday party.  It was a pool party which was a great time.

The kids begged us to have their cousins sleep over and since we had nothing planned for the next day, we did.  Monday was spent with our family and a couple of friends, grilling out while the kids played in the kiddie pool.  It was an early night since school was back in on Tuesday.

All in all a great weekend!

Wednesday, September 1, 2010

Wednesday Wisdom

I think I am going to post a quote every Wednesday that I like/have learned from.  These past couple of days have been a little hard in my personal life.  Not for me but one of my good friends was treated very poorly by a mutual acquaintance.  Plus some good friends were trying to cause trouble by spreading gossip.  I have learned when people treat you poorly most of the time it is because they need to do that to feel better about themselves.

"When people show you who they are, believe them the first time." - Maya Angelou

Tuesday, August 31, 2010

Happy Anniversary

Today is the hubby and my anniversary.  We were married 7 years ago. 

Funny story, my husband and I went to the same high school but never knew each other.  He is a year older than me.  My husband went to Clemson.  I met my husband the day after I graduated high school.  We were introduced by another friend because I was going to Clemson as well.  We started out as friends that summer. When we got to school we started dating casually for about a month or so.  We weren't serious or "exclusive" until the following spring.  Last week it was 14 years since we had our first date! How crazy is that. To say that I believe in fate or destiny is an understatement.

I am so blessed. I married my best friend. We are still as close (or closer) than ever.  If it wasn't for the minivan and its occupants, I'd swear we just got back from our honeymoon.  I hope this feeling of pure happiness lasts forever.

Wednesday, August 25, 2010

Meal Updates

Okay so the meal planning has been going well.  I have not stuck to the plan 3 times so far.  Twice it happened on Mondays. Both Mondays the hubby happened to be out of town which meant he wouldn't be enjoying my gourmet cooking (laugh inserted here).

On the first Monday, my MIL called. She invited us to dinner at a new(er) restaurant where the kids eat free on Monday.  So in the interested of not cooking, we went.  Our meals were good. The service was slow. 2 hours to get in and out with 3 kids is a little too long. At least for my kids.

Then this weekend, we had planned on eating out on Sunday but we switched it to Saturday. All was well because we ate Saturday's food Sunday. No biggie.

But on Monday, I just fell off the wagon.  The little dude started complaining that his ear hurt around 1pm. By the time I was able to get in with the md. it was for a 4:45 appt.  When I arrived at the doctors, I was told my appt time was triple booked.  I try to never get mad when I have to wait at the pediatrician because with kids I know there are certain times when someone really needs an appt.  And I have had to be squeezed in enough times to not mind.  But either way, it brought us to leaving the doctors office at 5:45. I had a meeting to attend at 7, and had my in-laws coming by to babysit at 6:45. I had originally planned to have the kids bathed and ready for bed once they arrived.  Instead I picked up Micky D's, shoveled it in the kids mouths, and rushed to put the kids pj's on.

Yesterday we got back on schedule.  I made tilipia for dinner.  Normally I bake it in the oven with blackened seasoning.  Last night, I pan fried it with panko.  I served it with risotto.  It was my first time making risotto ever. It was pretty good but I need to tweak the recipe and try again. Next time, I'll share it. Pinkie swear.

And I am thinking about batch cooking for next months meal plan. I am really trying to stick with a grocery budget, so I need to see if I can figure out a way to make that work. I'll let you know.

Monday, August 23, 2010

Two fun family events

The last two weekends we have done some fun family activities.

Two Fridays ago, we went to the Gwinnett Braves game. They are a minor league team whose field is right here in Buford.  We took the older kids and went with two other families.  First we met for dinner at Five Guys (yummy!).  It was looking a little rainy but we went over to the field to see if they were playing.  We got $5 tickets for the outfield. You can bring blankets to watch the game on a grassy hill. So that is what we did.  Actually the dads watched the game, kids and tried to see who could pitch the fastest ball.  The kids jumped in a bunch of inflatables and ran around.  And us moms, well we talked and watched the kids and the older kids (our husbands).  It was a really nice night. Completely low-key and a perfect way to end an otherwise crazy week.

See the daddies watching the game?

Then this past weekend, we took the kids to an outdoor concert in a neighboring town.  It was in the town park which is the city center.  The show was sponsored by a radio station. We got there early and had packed a snacks and drinks.  We met up with three other families.  We took our kids to one of the restaurants for dinner during the show. It was hot and we needed to get inside for some air conditioning. After dinner we went back to our blanket and chairs. The kids ran around and played with their friends while we waited for the headliners to come out.  Cowboy Mouth started at 8pm.  It was the kids first concert besides The Wiggles.  They seemed to love it. They were dancing and singing along as if they knew the words. So cute! We stayed for about an hour or so and then headed home so they wouldn't be up too late.  It was a great family event and cost barely anything. I want to take them to another show when the weather gets a little cooler.

Confession Time

Last week I accidently left my cell phone at home when I went to a meeting. I didn't even realize it for over an hour. It was great. 

Since then I may have "accidently" forgotten it a little more. A trip to the grocery store, a day at the park, and maybe even the whole day yesterday was spent without my phone.

Once we got rid of our home phone, it has been hard to part with my cell. It really is attached to me. And I really don't like it.  So my new guilty pleasure is enjoying the quiet when I actually have it. 

Wednesday, August 18, 2010

Pork Chops in a skillet

I made this for dinner last night and it is a family favorite!

Pork Chops w/ caramelized onions and stuffing

6 boneless pork chops
2 large onions, halved lengthwise & thinly sliced
1/4 tsp salt
1/4 tsp pepper
1/4 cup balsamic vinegar
2 TB brown sugar
1 pkg stove top stuffing mix for chicken
1-1/2 cups hot water
1 cup shredded mozzarella cheese

Place pork chops between 2 sheets of plastic wrap and pound slightly to an even thickness. Sprinkle pork chops with salt and pepper.
Heat large skillet (I use an electric skillet) sprayed with cooking spray on med-high heat. Add chops and cook 3 min. on each side. Remove from skillet.
Add onions to skillet. Cover and cook over med-high heat 5 minutes or until tender, stirring occasionally. Add balsamic vinegar, cook 1 minute stirring constantly. Add brown sugar, cook 1 more minute, stirring constantly. Add pork chops back to skillet.
Mix stuffing mix and hot water together. Spoon around the skillet and over the chops. Top with cheese, cover.  Let cheese melt.

Monday, August 16, 2010

I love my girl friends!

I can remember when I first moved here from college. I was extremely unhappy. I mean, I liked my job and our life but I missed having good girlfriends.  I would be on the phone for hours with one of my two Lisa's (my hs bff and college bff are both named Lisa).  And no one really knew I was unhappy.  But one day I stumbled across an article in some magazine about the power of women friendships, and I thought this person really gets it.  I think it actually may have included some sort of research about women and why we needed to have someone to talk to. 

Fast forward three years, the hubby and I are getting married.  I still worked in a male dominated field with very little chance to make girlfriends. The hubby and I lived in a bubble where most of our friends we met through his family. And most of the friends were guys. At this point, a few of the guys were married and had girlfriends.  And while we were all friendly, got along and had fun times together, I never felt like I completely clicked with any of the girls (my sisters-in-law excluded).  I've always had good relationships with my sisters-in-law.  But it is a little weird to complain to your DH sister about him (like we wives tend to do).  So suffice it to say we were as close as we could be and I loved them.  But something was still lacking.

So fast forward to the Little Angel being 5 months old.  My one sis-in-law could tell I was getting down.  She told me and urged me to join a local MOMS Club.  She had been a member of the one in her area for a while and loved it.  She had met some great friends, was getting out, and couldn't stop telling me about it.  So even though I have always been shy in a group, I did it.  I looked it up and the president called me.  She invited me to an event.  I was still a little nervous so I invited my other sis-in-law who lives right up the street. And off we went.

By the time my Angel was turning 1, I felt like I finally had made friends.  Since then, I have made lots of friends in the group.  And I have recruited lots of friends and neighbors to the group. I believe in the importance of the group. I believe in the support it provides for other mommies out there in need. But this isn't a MOMS Club commercial. 

Three years ago, I was lucky enough to make a friend through the Drama Queen.  She had a "boyfriend" at preschool.  His mom and I became fast friends.  You know how that just happens sometimes.  And last year, I met another great friend through our preschool.  The time it was through the Little Guy.  There is probably a group of 8-10 of us girls who have become close through our school or our different neighborhoods and the MOMS Club. We are all close to different people in the group but somehow always all weave together.  These are a great group of girls.  I never feel like I have to be anyone but myself with them.  Even when that means I am wearing my tee-shirt, jeans and tennis shoes while everyone else has on their dresses. I know there are one or two of them who are judging me (I mean we are women), I even could pick out who they are but I feel so comfortable with everyone else I just don't care.  It has taken me 10 long years in the Atlanta area to get to a place where I finally have a good core group of girlfriends.

On that note, I would like to say that this year has also brought me much closer to the wives in our old(in the fact that we have known them longer) group of friends.  Four of us took a cruise in May to celebrate one friends graduation and we had a blast.  We bonded in ways that I will remember forever. I never could have imagined our trip being as great as it was.

Fast forward to the present...last week one of my friends planned a girls night out.  We went to Firesalt Tavern.  It is a new local place.  The vibe was good, service was great and the food as excellent.  We may or may not have all gotten free shots from the bartender.  We enjoyed a nice relaxing evening.  As the night got later some of the friends went home. I should have, but like always, I did not.  Instead I went to 37 Main.  I love 37 Main.  Mostly because it reminds me of a college bar and let's face it, I wish I was in college still.  The had live karaoke.  If you have never been to something like this you have to go. It was so cool, pinkie swear. Note to self, do not go to 37 Main until after 1am when you have promised a bunch of people to go to Chuck E Cheese's the next day.  What a headache! And I mean that literally. But we had a blast. And I have the pictures to prove it.

To the point, I am so glad to have such a great group of girlfriends. I really do LOVE them!!!

Thursday, August 12, 2010

Meal Plan

Okay so I have done it. I looked through my handy cookbooks (I have a lot!), my binder of recipes (more on that later) and the internet and planned my meals for the next 4 weeks. Remember I said earlier I am doing leftovers on Thursdays and crock pot dinners Wednesdays. I figure if I publish it here it will keep me honest so here it goes:
14th: chicken enchiladas
15th: going out
16th: pasta w/ butter, parmesan cheese and broccoli
17th: pork chop skillet w/ stuffing
18th: teriyaki chicken and fried rice
19th: leftovers
20th: hamburgers, hot dogs, coleslaw
21st: steak, sweet potatoes, grilled veggies
22nd: out
23rd: chicken bruschetta
24th: tilipia w/ rice & beans
25th: BBQ pork, bakes potatoes
26th: leftovers
27th: breakfast for dinner
28th: out for dinner(no kids)
29th: picnic/sandwiches at fountains
30th: meatloaf
31st: ravioli & spinach bake
1st: chicken tortilla soup
2nd: leftovers
3rd: gravy w/ sausage and meatballs; pasta
4th: meatball subs
5th: fajitas
6th: Labor Day (probably a BBQ)
7th:tostada stacks with fajita leftovers
8th: buffalo chicken lasagna
9th: leftovers
10th: make your own pizza night
11th: grilled chicken sandwiches

Wow! I can't believe I did it. Let's see if I can stick with it. All this and I did 2 loads of laundry today. It is a miracle.  I think I am just being productive because I have a long overdue girls night tonight. I can not wait!!!

Dinner...the worst time of the day!

Well not dinner, actually. Just the planning, preparing and cooking.  Typically it is because I have done very little planning that the preparing and cooking is difficult.

The Little Guy had swim lessons this summer which interfered with dinner.  So there was no plan.  And if I am being honest barely even a dinner. Sandwiches, take out, hot dogs, was awful. When we got back from NJ, I told the hubby I was going to get back on track.

I started slowly.  And according to him, I was doing it with lots of trial and error. I normally would have debated that point, but I did interchange garlic salt for powder in a recipe since I was out of garlic powder.  The recipe called for 1/3 of a cup so it was a pretty big error.  And we had to scrap the whole dinner for the night. 

I am happy to report that I've made dinner 5 nights in a row. And it was good dinners...grilled chicken and veggies, pasta in a shrimp marina sauce, chicken stroganoff, chicken Marsala and hot dogs with macaroni and cheese.  That last one wasn't great, but the Drama Queen requested it as her back to school dinner so I obliged.

As I was filling out my calendar for next week, it occurred to me how busy we are about to become.  The Drama Queen has dance once a week and the Little Guy will have soccer twice a week and karate twice a week.  So I decided Wednesdays for the school year are about to be crock pot nights. Check back on Thursday when I post what I made and how I did it. Thursdays are going to be leftover nights.  The kids have two activities at different times on Thursday and I think it will be easier just to heat up leftovers than all of us sit down to a big(ger) dinner.  Plus we are trying to get the kids to sleep by 7pm.  Okay so the point of all this is I am thinking about monthly meal planning.  Does anyone out there do this? Any tips for me? I know I will need all the help I can get.

Monday, August 9, 2010

And she is off...

The Drama Queen woke up this morning at 6am.  Before her daddy and myself, she bounced into our room and asked to get ready for school. 

She took a shower, ate her fried eggs, got dressed.  I brushed her hair and off we went....up to the bus stop to wait for the bus. 

Here she is waiting for her bus!

Saturday, August 7, 2010

Women can be crazy....

I woke up Wednesday morning all prepared to bake a batch of Tastefully Simple brownies for the teachers.  But like most days, something happened and my whole day was thrown off. One of my really close friends woke up to find out some crazy lady, a fellow blogger (who has something against her husbands company) decided to post all the personal info about their family she could dig up.  She talked about their siblings, parents, pets, health and even children.  This friend of mine immediately went online and took down her anonymous blog.  Three years of her life erased.  But not even this could make her feel better.  She had been violated and personally attacked on the internet in front of thousands of strangers.  Now I know that I have been blogging only for a little while, and I try to keep my info anonymous as well.  But I have been reading blogs for years.  And I read upbeat and fun blogs.  Or blogs about peoples everyday lives.  I never read blogs that are posters for the "I hate" so and so club. So when I read this, I was completely disgusted.  And I still am. 
So because we spent most of the morning determining what a sick woman would do that, I didn't have time to do my baking.  No harm done.  I brought a box full of goodies (snacks) for the teachers. I think they liked it.  But as for the teachers, I LOVED them.  I am so happy that the Drama Queen is in their class. It was like immediate relief came over me. I am no longer so stressed for school to start on Monday.

I think I mentioned in an earlier post that the Drama Queen ended up in class with my BF's little boy, B. When I first found out about it was by someone else and I knew then(by her reaction) it was bound to be a big deal with all our mutual friends.  She told me "what are the chances" as if I would ask the school to put them together.  I mean really, who does that?  And when I said I didn't ask, she gave me a look like yeah right. So I swore I didn't.  And honestly what kind of school would really honor a request like that? I really didn't think much more about it.  But then the next morning another friend told me she heard by way of the first friend (but secondhand) that the two kids were in the same class and one of us parents must have requested it.  I told her no, that wasn't true and maybe she could keep it quiet. So yesterday I said something to friend number 1 who denied saying anything to friend number 2 who told friend number 3.  So I guess I have to be over it. But do people really ask for their kids to be in class with one of their friends? And do schools really think that is okay and the administrations honor it? I would be shocked if that is so.

On a much better note, I spent most of Thursday with my BF whom I haven't gotten to spend any alone time with in about a month.  Between vacations and her work schedule, it has been bad.  This is the friend whose house I used to spend hours when the Little Dude was a baby.  I would just sit on the recliner and chat away the hours our older kids were at preschool.  I missed that time so I am glad we got the chance to have some downtime.  And after that, we went to a playdate at another friends house.  Which became a mini happy hour while the kids had dinner and our hubby's got to enjoy some free time.  Mine was taking a nap when we got home.

We spent the Drama Queens last day of freedom swimming with all her Georgia cousins. We packed lunch and spent a couple of hours at the pool.  It was very relaxing minus the Little Dudes high pitch scream whenever he wasn't getting his way. I am proud to report that after all the swim lessons, the Little Man was swimming the pool like a fish.  It made all the nights at the pool this summer worth it.  Even the Little Dude was using either a noodle and swimmies or a tube. Normally he makes me hold him the whole time.  What a pain! It looked like a rain cloud might be coming so we packed up and headed home.  And the Little Dude took a 3 hour nap.  It was an unproductive one for me. I showered and napped myself. It has been an exhausting week. 

So here I am Saturday afternoon.  I have made a batch of vegetable soup for my lunches over the next couple of weeks. We had a really big lunch with the family.  The hubby and I are going out tonight with some friends to celebrate his brothers birthday. We cleaned the garage, did a million loads of laundry, meal planned for next week, and got my grocery list ready.  Next up is moving of the Little Dude's clothes into his new room with his brother.  But I might wait until tomorrow. I am feeling like I might want to just sit with the kids and relax. What are your plans for tonight?

Tuesday, August 3, 2010

Why am I so nervous?

So I have had bad dreams about my angel's kindergarten class.  Not that I know anything about it or even knew who the teacher was.  I have had some visions of her boarding the bus, but not our bus, and ending up at someone elses house.  In a nutshell, I am a wreck.  There is less than a week until my firstborn is going to school for the first time.  Well not the first time, because she went to preschool, but to real school. 

We found out today who her teacher is going to be. I looked the list up and down to see if any of her other friends would be in her class.  And B (my bff's little boy and the one I babysit) will be.  Which may be weird.  But Drama Queen is so happy about it.  She told the hubby how they will be together forever. Sometimes it feels like that.  They have been in lots of stuff together since we meet them 3 years ago. But I know they will look out for each other so it helps with my nerves. I swear I am going to need medication if Monday doesn't get here pronto.

So tomorrow we get to meet her teacher. I am thinking about buying her a small gift.  You know to bribe her to love my child as much as I do.  Or maybe I'll just bring her a snack or make some cookies. Or make her meatballs and gravy, it is my signature dish.

So at dinner the Drama Queen tells us all.  I can't wait for school next week. I am so excited. I am about to be a big girl.  Can I try on my new dress?

And I have to wonder, why am I so nervous?

I will update you all with how the big meeting goes tomorrow.

Monday, August 2, 2010

You can never anticipate your kids reactions

Last Saturday our friends invited us out on the lake in their boat for the day. The hubby said sure as long as we could find a babysitter for the little dude.  That was essential in being able to enjoy the day.  It started out great.  We beached the boat and got to swim and grill out our lunch.

Then we went tubing. I haven't been tubing in 15 years. Don't judge me or my age! I was nervous. Very nervous.  In my younger days I was a daredevil. I've been bungey jumping and I love rollercoasters.  But lately, since the kids, I have become a little scared.  So I was a little scared when the drama queen said she would only go tubing with me. Not with daddy.  So up first from our family was dad and the little guy.  Little guy was so excited to go.  But then they hit some bumps, and more bumps, and his adventure was over.  He wanted to quit.

 My hubby went next.  I could see the joy on his face. But then he fell out of the tube (which I think he secretly enjoyed).

After that my friend took her daughter for a turn.  And then it was the drama queens turn.  She actually wanted to go with my friend instead of me.  My stomach stopped churning for the first time since the tube was blown up.

After that the other kids took turns.  And that is when my drama queen who is also normally scared of everything announced that she wanted to go again.  Again but with mommy this time! Since I had no time to anticipate or worry, my nerves were okay. I was worried about losing a contact or flipping over.  I was assured my contacts would be fine and off we went. It was great. Exhilarating even. There was a point when it was really bumpy where I asked the drama queen to do the cut sign because I was too afraid to let go.  But she wouldn't. Ugh! So we went for a little while longer. When all was said and done I was happy that I did it. The kids worked up quite an appetite. Looking at them snacking on our way to the cove to get an adult beverage.

At the cove we had drinks while the kids ate ice cream. Then we all jumped into the lake to swim some more. It was really hot out if you weren't in the water.  We thought it looked like rain and we were meeting people for dinner at the marina restaurant so we decided to head back. The restaurant at the marina has this huge sandbox for the kids to play in. We have been there for lunch about 5 times and love it there.  This was our first attempt at dinner there with the kids. It was great. There was live music, so they danced and played in the sand. We were able to have adult conversation and enjoy our meal and drinks. And by drinks I mean one of the best strawberry margaritas ever!  It was such a great day.  But I learned a new lesson. I would have thought before tubing that the drama queen was going to hate it and the little man love it. But the opposite happened. You can never anticipate your kids reactions. I don't even know why I try!

Friday, July 30, 2010

There is no place like home, there is no place like home...

Okay so I did love our trip to NJ but I am so GLAD to be home. There I said it. 

By Saturday after battling 100 degree temps in Philly I really wanted to be able to eat dinner and go down to the pool.  Then Sunday I was dying to put the kids bed early...but we weren't home. And the baptism party was never ending (or so it seemed). So late bedtimes again.

But then Monday came and we began our trip further north. No more having to carry around the little dude because with lack of the dogs presence he would actually walk. It was a miracle. We took the kids to meet my high school friends.  We went to a local zoo/park where the hubby and I grew up.  We visited with the hubby's family. Then it happened. A migraine. Since we were away where I had no painkillers handy, I thought we would be making an ER trip. But luckily for me, I got the TLC of my aunt.  She has had migraines, so she knew just what would help.  She applied wet cloths to the back of my neck and one to my forehead. She gave me meds.  She let me lay in her sanctuary. And when that wasn't helping, she cleared out my cousins bedroom and put me to sleep.  I listened to waves crashing (the noise machine) and had the best sleep in a week. It was wonderful.

Tuesday we spent with my aunt and her girls.  There was lots of Wii playing and a big dance party. We had dinner plans with the rest of my high school girlfriends so we loaded up our cooler with cheese, packed the car, and waved goodbye.  We had dinner with two of my girlfriends. It was so nice to see them again.

Our original plans had us traveling back to my sisters for the night. But we were ready to come home. So we decided to try and drive straight through the night.  It didn't work out.  The kids were uncomfortable sleeping in their boosters. So we stopped at a hotel in Virginia around the halfway mark. I really wanted to be home. I really wanted to click my shoes together and be in my bed.  The kids weren't too bad on the drive but I was over it. That is when it dawned on me, there really is no place like home.

Friday, July 23, 2010

Vacation or Obligation?

Every year, I take the kids on a trip to NJ to visit with family.  Some years this trip has served as our vacation.  The last two years, we have made multiple trips up.  The hubby dreads these trips.  He thinks the kids are bad, he hates staying at a million different houses and mostly just doesn't want to be in NJ. Normally I let him off the hook for at least part of the trip.  This requires begging another family member to drive one part of the 12 hours with me.  I may be crazy but I am not crazy enough to make the drive all alone with kids. 

In April my sister, Cat, had her first baby.  While I have been longing to come for a visit we waited until the baptism to make our trip.  And here we are.  For a long while, I was planning this to be a vacation. By that I mean, I was going to make lots of plans to take the kids to different day trips and places. But the hubby told me going to Disney is cheaper than these NJ vacations we go on.  So...we are going to Disney later in the year. But that is a story for another blog.  Anyhow I was telling my girlfriend all about these trips. You know how each day is reserved for a family member or friend visit.  She told me that I was not going on a vacation, I was going on a trip of obligation.  It never occurred to me in that way before, but she was right. 

So here we are. In NJ. On our obligation trip. Yesterday we visited with my grandmother (GiGi).  What a great visit we had.  Of course, there was the part of the visit where she thought Angel was going to be "sexy" for Halloween. Her hearing isn't all that good and when Angel told her "Jessie" she heard "sexy".  It was funny to say the least. We have the baptism coming up.  And then a day to spend with my girlfriends from growing up (and their kids for those who have them), a dinner with hubby's side of the family, a sleepover with the "girls", and a dinner with the rest of the high school clan.

Even though this is a trip of obligation, it is one obligation I am so happy I have!

Thursday, July 15, 2010

Piece of Work

So those of you who know me, know it was definitely the little dude who put me over the edge.  Before that I was a semi stressed mom of two.  After he got old enough to get into trouble, he outdoes himself daily.  So there has been mineral makeup in the carpet, a blue face full of eyeshadow, a broken shade that either he or SK did but today, today really took the cake.  Little dude took off his shirt and colored his belly with magic markers.  Which are only magic in the respect that they don't come off even though they were sold at the Disney store.  Seriously. It. Is. All. Over.  And what does the little guy tell me to make me feel better about todays chaos.  He says "J., you really are a piece of work".  He got that right!